Black and white colour combo lovers rejoice! A fresh look and quality construction have come together to bring you our Solid Strength 15kg Stormtrooper barbell. These needle-bearing bars are suitable for heavy-load lifts, high-rep workouts, and Olympic weightlifting. They are finished with a white ceramic coating paired with black QPQ coated sleeves and are standard Olympic barbell dimensions — 25mm diameter shaft, 50mm diameter sleeves, and 2.1m in length.
The sleeves feature an 8 needle bearings system (4 per sleeve). Because of the needle bearing system the rotation on the Stormtrooper bars is smooth and fast — meaning it’s an ideal bar for Snatches and Clean & Jerks.
A special process called “Quench Polish Quench” or QPQ makes the sleeves of these barbells black. QPQ is a process that increases corrosion resistance, wear resistance, friction, and fatigue. The black sleeves measure 50mm in diameter which means they’re suitable for Olympic sized plates (our entire weight plates range). The combination of this well-made barbell and our low-tolerance weight plates, which are 50.4mm in diameter, will give you a tight fit on the bar with little play and movement during exercises and much less noise during bar drops.
These bars have a medium-depth, CNC-machined, diamond shaped knurling. It’ll give you enough grip for your heavier lifts while being gentle enough for high-rep workouts and Olympic weightlifting. Our Stormtrooper bars have no centre knurling. The markings on the bar adhere to International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) and International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) standards for Powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting.
The white ceramic coating isn’t just for looks! It increases the durability of the barbell. The layer of ceramic on top of the steel creates an added layer of protection which resists rust. It has superior grip compared to plain steel when combined with chalk. — and the fact that it’s white means no one knows how much chalk you’re using! It’s also easily cleaned by wiping it down with a damp cloth.
• Weighs 15kg
• 25mm shaft diameter
• White ceramic coating
• Black QPQ coated sleeves
• Olympic barbell standard sizing and dimensions
• Medium-depth CNC-machined diamond knurling
• IPF + IWF standardised Olympic and Powerlifting markings
• No centre knurl
• Rated to 200 PSI
Note: Accessories not included.
Product Details

Solid Strength 15kg Stormtrooper Olympic Barbell (Womens)