Solid Strength 2.5kg Olympic Weightlifting Competition Barbell Collars

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Our Solid Strength 2.5kg Olympic Weightlifting Competition Barbell Collars are manufactured from high-quality chromed steel and are IWF (International Weightlifting Federation) training spec. These competition collars ut…

Product Details
Our Solid Strength 2.5kg Olympic Weightlifting Competition Barbell Collars are manufactured from high-quality chromed steel and are IWF (International Weightlifting Federation) training spec. These competition collars utilise a 2-phase locking system. The tightening lever on these collars is easy to use and easily accessible allowing for a superior fit on your barbell. Each collar weighs 2.5kg for a total of 5kg. Our Weightlifting Competition training collars have a weight tolerance of +/- 10 grams.

2-phase locking system
The first locking phase clamps onto your barbell, similar to a normal barbell collar, by using a pin and molded plate. The molded plate securely clamps the collars down onto the bar without damaging the surface of your barbell. One the first phase is locked in, the second phase uses a spin-lock or threading mechanism to squeeze the plates together and hold them tightly in place. This will minimise plate movement during your lifts.

Using your 2.5kg collars
To use these collars, place the circular side against the loaded plates on your barbell. The hexagonal side of the collars should be on the outside. Then use the lever handle to compress the molded plate onto the barbell. The circular side of the collar, which should be against the plates, will then rotate or thread against your plates which will compress them and provide additional security and limit plate movement.

• High-quality chromed steel
• Molded internal compression plate
• 2 phase locking system
• IWF (International Weightlifting Federation) training spec
• Weight tolerance of +/- 10 grams
• 2.5kg for each collar
• 50.5mm diameter hole

Solid Strength 2.5kg Olympic Weightlifting Competition Barbell Collars
